
Monday, November 21, 2011

Leaves in Their Hair

Despite late nights, I am slightly behind on my NaNoWriMo project. My tailbone is still tender. My blog reader is swollen with blogs left unread and uncommented on. Thanksgiving is this week, and my Christmas shopping isn’t even started.

This Friday, I felt overwhelmed and teary and wondered if I was taking on too much.

This Friday, Ryan and I tucked the kids safely into the arms of Grandma and Grandpa and drove up to our old college campus, tickets to a basketball game in our pockets and the possibility of a football game on the horizon.

This Friday, I flat ironed my hair without worrying about little fingers finding the scorching ceramic and left my laptop at home without worrying about my to-do list and painted my fingernails without worrying about putting on gloves.

That last one might have been a mistake, as the wind on our walk to the Breslin Center was chillier than I had anticipated.

Even with cold hands, there’s something about being away for the night that makes the responsibilities of home feel far away, something that makes laughter easier and lighter and the decision about what to have for dinner seem like the most pressing concern of the night (Pesto Bruschetta, because I love a delicious appetizer, if you’re curious.)

With a voice hoarse from cheering on the basketball team and holding a conversation over the reverberations of an eighties band, we returned home, and I felt rejuvenated.

Abbey's smile seemed brighter than when we left on Friday, sparkling sweetly with her excitement about her sleepover.

Dylan's head still fit perfectly into the side of my neck, and I easily forgave him for Saturday night's sleeping drama.

There are e-mails to answer and posts to write and paths to follow my characters down, as they stubbornly refuse to behave how I’d planned, yet I spent most of Sunday making gingerbread men and playing outside and pulling leaves out of Abbey’s hair (and Dylan’s mouth, if I’m being honest.)

Our responsibilities haven’t lessened.

No one did my laundry while we were gone.

I made three different lunches on Sunday.

Yet I feel ready for the week in a way I haven’t in a long time, making shopping lists and plans for the kids and writing lists with anticipation instead of dread.

Who knows? Maybe we’ll even find time to jump in another pile of leaves.

this week's prompt was "I am feeling..."
(inspired by a Soleil Moon Frye tweet)

Every MONDAY join us…
Write, post, link-up, share your story and your voice.
Be part of carrying the weight of confidence and share our mission to empower, inspire, and remind women, parents and children that the time has come to celebrate ourselves!

Next week’s prompt: What are you striving towards?
(Remember you can also write on a topic of your choice.)


  1. I love that you're rejuvenated! Amazing what a few hours away can do for the soul.

  2. Isn't it crazy how that works!  I feel ready to conquer the world.  After my coffee.

  3. This was beautifully written! Like most moms, t's rare for me to get away from everything for even an hour. But when it happens my whole being feels lighter and ready to take on whatever comes barreling my way. 

  4. Taking the time to rejuvenate and reconnect is the best gift you can give your children.

    Besides, of course, a good romp in a pile of leaves.

    But you gave them both, so.


  5. If there is anyone who truly deserves a night away, it's you, my friend.
    You have taken on so much.
    I'm so happy that you were able to recharge your batteries a bit.
    And now, if you could just practice saying "no." ;)
    Much love, Angela!

  6. I love this post!   Perfect for a Monday morning:)

  7. Oh thank you!  I'm glad you liked it.  Mondays always need a little extra sunshine.

  8. I can say no...sometimes...I think :)

    Thank you so much my friend xo

  9. Even if they eat them (please say yes, please say yes)

    Thanks Julie!

  10. Getting time to ourselves is difficult, but it really does make a difference, doesn't it?

  11. You and your writing are just killing me lately with your sweet perfection.

  12. This is beautiful. Something so helpful to read on a Monday! I'm glad you had a chance to get away and enjoy. 

  13. I'm glad you got a little break. We all need those sometimes. :-) And the best part is that it sounds like you came back rejuvenated. Yay! 

  14. A little break is definitely needed sometimes! 

  15. I usually take breaks on the weekends. That rejuvenation time really helps me face the week. 

  16. Sounds like you had a wonderful break! And really, don't feel guilty about the bulging reader and uncommented on posts...sometimes you just need to "mark all as read" and move on :)  We all understand!

  17. It is sooooo nice to have just an evening away, huh? We did this recently (in Ann Arbor, actually) and it was wonderful. 

  18. A break is exactly what was needed I think!

    I have no doubt that you'll catch up and write an incredible novel for NaNoWriMo!

  19. Sometimes those breaks are exactly what we need. I'm glad you were able to get away and enjoy it. It sure does help us to feel better when we return.

  20. Those breaks keep the burnout at bay! Good for you. Hopefully your characters will behave themselves for you now that your mind is fresh.

    And who doesn't love a good appetizer. Yum.

  21. I would love to drop Zane off at a grandparent's house and take my husband away for a weekend.  I am glad that you got to have an escape!

  22. First of all I'm in love with that picture.  So stinkin' cute!

    Sometimes it's good to just forget about responsibility, say "screw it", and just do something that you enjoy.  It can often be the best thing for you!  No wonder you are feeling better! :)

  23. So glad you took this time. What a better mom you will be. And how precious they are. Jump away!

  24. I always say it's those little things, the small moments, the time we just unplug for a few hours that make it all worth it and lead us back to our lives...just better. The "stuff" will always be there, but the memories you make on days like Sat , well there is nothing that compares to that. So glad you got to have that day to just be you and smile xo

  25. I really need to get in on posting for this. I love these prompts and responses and I'm so bad at letting myself just be enough to actually post and link up.

    I love this post. I kind of got choked up reading. So if that was or wasn't your intent, just a tip that you succeeded. :)

  26. Definitely come and post with us!  Another link goes up each Monday :)  We're nice there, LOL.

  27. Thank you my friend.  I need to balance better, and I think I will be better at each thing than when I try to do all of it, all the time!

  28. Thank you :)  They can jump.  I am a baby and just stomp around, because I get all worried about the bugs or chipmunks in there!

  29. Thank you!  Yes, every once in while, tossing the to-do list in the trash (fine, in the desk drawer so I can do it later) helps immensely.

  30. My parents are amazing about it.  We try not to take advantage, but every once in a while it's great.

  31. My characters have a mind of their own, now!  (Just like my kids, they seem to thumb their noses at my ideas.)

  32. Yes, doesn't it?  I feel lighter somehow.

  33. Thanks Jackie!  I hope your writing is going well, too!

  34. Thanks Jen!  I love the feeling of an empty reader, but sometimes that's just not possible :(

  35. That is smart.  I tend to use the weekend to "catch up," and sometimes I think I shouldn't do that.

  36. Yes, it helps mentally, even though it can see hard to fit in sometimes.

  37. I did!  Every once in a while, absence really does make the heart grow fonder :)

  38. Thank you!  It was great to get away and even better to come home, which I guess is the point a little :)

  39. You are too, too kind to me. 

    If you would like some non-perfection, I will send you excerpts from my NaNoWriMo.  You can take them into labor, and the painfulness of some of the bad writing will make the contractions seem like nothing :)
