
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Fact, Two Goals, & Some Beads

Little known fact about me...I was a philosophy major my freshman year of college.  I thought that I could ponder life’s meaning, write magnificent papers, and eventually become a judge or possibly be on an ethics committee. 

Mediating snack sharing and taking turns with my kids may be just as complicated as any ethics issues I was considering when studying St. Augustine and free will, but it wasn’t exactly what I had in mind as an idealistic eighteen year old.
Enter another Summer Blog Social session!  Liz and Jessica suggested that we spend some time thinking philosophically about our blogs.  I may not be the best person to give blogging advice, but I am certain that my two semesters of philosophy classes absolutely qualify me to write on this prompt: What are your overriding goals for your blog and social media presence? How have those goals evolved over time?
When I began blogging, my goal was to create a virtual baby book and a place where my friends and family could have a glimpse into our life without me e-mailing pictures and stories about our lovely daughter, ad nauseam. 
Over time, our family has changed; I have changed; my goals for my blog have changed.  Only recently have I found the confidence to admit, even in my own head, that I have developed two distinct goals for Tiaras and Trucks. 
Personally, I want to capture the humor and beauty that weave together with the ordinary moments in our lives to create something extraordinary.  I hope that Abbey and Dylan will be able to look back one day and feel the emotions involved in building their childhood, feel how utterly invested I am in being their mom. 
One day, even later, I hope that they will look back and discover the facets of me that aren’t about motherhood; I hope they can appreciate my writing and running and rambling and know that my most important role may be “mother” but I have other roles as well.
Professionally (ok, I just hyperventilated a little that I dared use that word in relation to my blog,) I would like to use Tiaras and Trucks as a medium to explore writing opportunities. 
Yesterday, I confessed that blogging has awakened my passion for writing, and the lack of sleep over the last three years has led to delusions that I may be able to convince someone other than, well, me to publish my work.  My blog is helping me discover my voice, and I hope that I can convince someone, somewhere to take a chance on that voice for some freelance writing jobs.
Be gentle on me; this was a tough post for me to publish!  Putting my hopes about freelance work into words feels a little like telling your birthday wish when you blow out your candles.  But this week, this blog social, is about growing and learning, and that involves a little risk, right?

her goals are simpler
wear as many beads as possible at one time


  1. I love that you're discovering your voice. What an amazing voice it is! I love "Personally, I want to capture the humor and beauty that weave together with the ordinary moments in our lives to create something extraordinary." - such a perfect line. They will look back and see how invested you were. Most definitely.

  2. I think it's wonderful both that you are creating memories for your kids AND that you are looking towards writing more professionally.  I think a lot of us in the blogging world feel that way.  Live your dream girl and don't be shy!  :-)

  3. You shouldn't ever hyperventilate when you say you want to write professionally!! That's a wonderful goal to have. It gives your blog purpose. I think we bloggers sometimes think, "oh, this old thing? it's not worth anything." but you have the potential to find that freelance work!

  4. I think it's so awesome that blogging has led you here.  Like REALLY awesome!  And I think you MUST attend Blissdom.  It really is a very motivating conference and I think you will get a lot out of it! xo

  5. I think your writing is great. Putting yourself out there is the hardest part. Keep it up!

  6. Thank you!  Things like Summer Blog Social help :)

  7. I have some time to scrape together the cash :)  Plus (and I know this is silly) I have always loved the Opryland Hotel.  We used to go see it all decorated for Christmas when visiting my grandparents. 

  8. Thank you!  It just makes it so real when I see it written down :)

  9. Aw thanks!  At the very least, I have found incredible people that I wouldn't have "met" otherwise.  And Yay! to the Summer Blog Social for leading me to your blog.

  10. Oh Elena, that was such a kind thing to say! 

    I like that line, too.  Maybe I should incorporate it into my about me or a tagline or something...

  11. You have talent, Angela. Believe in yourself, put your writing out there and actively pursue those writing opportunities. Make it happen. You have it in you. Good luck!

  12. Good luck with pursuing your goal! Freelance writing would be an awesome goal to achieve!

  13. I think you have excellent goals for your writing. Just keep working at it. 

  14. Your writing is AMAZING and real and very very good. I think all your goals are very realistic. I for one, will keep supporting and kicking your butt to WRITE to make sure those dreams come true. :)

  15. You're an amazing writer!! I started my blog for the very same reason you did...I didn't know it would turn into so much more! Your bead-wearer is very cute :)

  16. Thanks Jen!  Isn't it funny how something so simple turns into this creature with a life of its own?

  17. xoxo my friend!  I will hold you to that promise of support, because I know it will be a tough road.

  18. Thanks Jessica!  I'm not looking to buy a vacation home or anything.  Maybe just some cool shoes :)  Or a Blissdom ticket...

  19. I think that your goals are perfect and ATTAINABLE. You are a fabulous writer and will be published someday. I hope the same for my kids too that my blog will detail their childhood but also show them who their mom was as a person.

  20. Thank you!  Yes, I would love to do that.

  21. Thanks Alison!  I would hug you at BlogHer, but we're not going.  So virtual hugs to you :)

  22. Isn't it crazy how blogging - and it's positive effects - can sneak up on a person? You just start writing to record the kids, and then realize you are honing a craft each time you sit down to type. 

    Good luck!

  23. Great goals and if your mind to it I'm sure that you will be able to get published!

  24. This was beautiful!
    What a beautiful reason to blog.

  25. Thanks Leighann!

    I hope they'll like it one day. 

  26. I know!  Their virtual baby book has turned into my personal project.  I hope that doesn't make me a self-serving mommy (LOL kidding!)

  27. Thanks Jess!

    My mom was always such a mom to me.  I remember learning about things she did with her friends, like vacations, and just being flabbergasted that she had this LIFE outside of motherhood.
