
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Her First Audition

I recently read that Stephen King has penned a sequel to The Shining, one of my favorite King books.

Abbey has decided she wants to audition for the role of "Ghost of Jack Torrance"*

the original Jack Torrance
image courtesy of Pinterest (click on photo for source)

what do you think?

*The Shining sequel (Dr. Sleep) is real.  The role of "Ghost of Jack Torrance" is a figment of my imagination.  I am not auditioning Abbey for a role as a homicidal maniac.  Promise.

Come on over to Funny or Snot for more WTF Wednesday posts!


  1. If she starts asking for red rum, get her to an exorcist, stat!

  2. OMG I love that picture. I saw that movie when I was a kid and am STILL SCARED of it. OMG horribly haunting.

  3. How did I miss this today????? That is adorable, not a bit scary!

    You like Stephen King books????? Oh no! The first difference in us...I hate scary stuff. I am such a wuss!!!!!

  4. Okay, she is gorgeous!
    And I'll probably have some nightmares tonight from that photo of Jack. 
    Thanks a lot. ;)

  5. I didn't mean to cause nightmares.  It's one of the only scary movies I'll still watch, because I think it's so well done.  I am normally a wimp about them.

  6. THAT made me bust out laughing.

    You should send that one over to Mommyshorts.

    This is JUST her thing...

  7. I'm glad it gave you a laugh.  Those Toddlers & Tiaras moms have nothing on me; I'm going straight for the big roles :)

    Maybe I'll send it over her way.  I wish I would have had it when she was doing Baby/Celebrity look alikes!
