
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Going Platinum?

Visiting the Science Center recently with Stacy, Connor, and Madison gave Stacy and I the opportunity to see how we were going to fund our retirements. 

Let me back up for a second.  See, Stacy and I love getting the kids together. 

Madison and Abbey are only seven months apart, and that gap shrinks a bit each time they see each other.  Let's face it, there IS a pretty big difference between a one-year old and a three-month old, but not so much between say, a fifteen year old and a fourteen and three month year old.  We're pretty sure hopeful they'll be great friends one day.*  Connor is the cool older brother.

As of now, though, there's a lot more anticipation in their friendship than interaction when they're actually together.  They talk about each other before and after their playdates (Abbey spent fifteen minutes the other day learning and repeating Madison's middle name,) but during the playdates, there's not much conversation.

Then they found the Jam Room.

The Science Center has a room where the kids can play instruments (and also watch themselves on video monitors.)  All three kids really loved the Jam Room, even though they're probably a little young for it.  They were willing to share the drumsticks!  When the girls were done jamming, they were happy dancing around while Connor drummed.

Later, it was almost time to leave.  That was the point the kids decided they would get really into playing with each other.  They were so cute, running around and being silly together was so funny and sweet that we ended up staying a little while longer than anticipated.
they shared the drumsticks well, surprisingly 
he has the stance down cold 
the girls wanted to jam like Connor, but the guitar and bass were pretty heavy 
you better not expect me to be a groupie

*Ok, also we like getting the kids together because (most of the time) they play well, even if they're not necessarily playing together.  Even Dylan, because he's a happy little guy.  And that means that we get to hang out and chat, which always makes my day a little brighter.

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