
Monday, June 7, 2010

Clap Your Feet

Confession - When I am home alone with the kids, we sing around the house.  A lot.  It shouldn't be a surprise that I have taken to Glee like a moth to a flame, since I am constantly breaking into song.  Some of them are snippets of actual songs (and occassionally I even know most of the right words!) and sometimes I just make them up as I go along. 

I have no shame, considering my kids haven't been exposed to a ton of music and still think I sound good when I sing.  Wow, are they in for a rude awakening at some point, but for now they are a captive audience.

Another confession - Making dinner at my house can be tough.  By that time of day, our patience with each other can be worn a little thin (especially on the days when Abbey won't even consider napping), and my kitchen is not made for leisurely cooking sessions.  Seriously, I'm sure there was once a point to a house layout with a galley kitchen, but most days I find myself salivating over the idea of a house with an open floor plan.  I would love to be able to have the kids playing in the living room while I look on from my lovely, open kitchen.  Then I remember that our housing market has tanked and that I gave up my paying job, and I drag the bouncy seat back into the kitchen and hope that Abbey doesn't hurt Dylan feeding him imaginary mac & cheese.  Or that I don't step on a baby finger or toe while dancing around to entertain them.

I know, I know, get to the point and throw up a couple pictures of the kids, right?  Well, I wasn't exactly surprised to hear Abbey singing to Dylan the other day when I was making dinner.  I peered into the dining room to see her standing in front of his high chair, singing "If you're happy and you know it".  He isn't a great clapper yet, so she took artistic license to change a verse to "If you're happy and you know it, clap your feet."  Dylan was cracking up, Abbey loved it, and dinner was made in peace.  Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it!! Your kids are adorable!

    Stopping by from Tuesday Tornado blog hop.

    Alice @ Life With Vivian
