
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Meet Maggie

This is Maggie. 

She's making an appearance because the other day Abbey insisted that we take about a billion some pictures of Maggie.  She is one of Abbey's dolls, and she's currently both a favorite and an enigma for Abbey.  See, Maggie's clothes don't come off.  It's a matter of contention with Abbey, and she will often ask me a couple times in a row to "change her clothes".  Each time, I carefully (and I'd like to think patiently) show her that Maggie's outfit is a permanent part of her existence.  This is confusing for Abbey, who goes back and forth between being extremely particular about what she is wearing and not wanting to wear anything at all.  There's no room for the concept that it might not be possible to take off your shirt.  One of the mysteries of the world for a two-year-old.
Please forgive Maggie's messy mouth.  She was eating yogurt, and Abbey didn't wipe all of it off when she cleaned her mouth.  As someone who sometimes finds a streak or two of leftover food on Abbey's face when we are out in public, I can relate.  (Is the lighting in my house dungeon-like?  Am I immune to lingering lunch stains?)
The proud mommy and her doll.

In the interest of complete transparency, I must admit that one of Maggie's other charms is that she has a high chair.  Despite countless warnings, Abbey insists on sitting in said high chair.  Dramatic tears will certainly ensue when the chair breaks, because it's made for a doll and not a toddler, but she has been amply warned!
Sometimes Maggie isn't even part of the sitting on the high chair experience!

(A special thanks to Aunt Col & Brendan for the gift of Maggie and all of her cool accessories.)

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